Metro Nashville Council Appoints Progressive Trans-Activist to Community Oversight Board

The Metro Nashville City Council appointed a progressive trans-activist to fill one of two vacancies on the Community Oversight Board. Three candidates – one of whom was Jamel R. Campbell-Gooch – were vying for the nod by the Council at its February 15th meeting.

Maxine Spencer, a progressive trans-activist nominated by far-Left community organizing group Workers’ Dignity, to serve a term that will expire on January 31, 2025. Michael Milliner, nominated by NAACP-Nashville, was also appointed.

Spencer was born a male but now identifies as a female, and prefers to be referred to by the pronouns she/they.

Spencer is an organizer at Worker’s Dignity, a group whose website says, “We believe people directly impacted by injustice, especially low-wage workers facing abuse by employers, BIPOC and working-class neighbors who live in under-resourced and over-policed neighborhoods, and immigrants facing increased ICE raids and detention, are ideally situated to have the knowledge and capacity to create sustaining and equitable change.”

Spencer’s bio on The New Leaders Council’s alumni page says:

Maxine Spencer is the More to Me Program Specialist at the Oasis Center and delivers positive youth development programming to high school age LGBTQ+ youth of color in Middle TN. Maxine also collaborates with local college GSA’s in the Middle TN College GSA Network. Through her position, Maxine provides a point of connection for young people, particularly LGBTQ+ youth of color to have access to different forms of health care. Maxine is a 2018 graduate of Vanderbilt University, where she received her BA in Philosophy. During her time at Vanderbilt, Maxine received training as a peer sex ed educator with Vandy Sex Ed, sang in the Vanderbilt Chorale, Symphonic and Concert Choirs, and founded an affinity group, BlackOut, which is a space for Black LGBTQ+ students to gather and support each other. During her time at Vanderbilt, Maxine developed a drive for activism that led her to become a part of Advocates for Youth where she is a member of the YouthResource program and Advocates for the Youth Activist Network. Maxine is proud to call Memphis her hometown and has a deep love appreciation for the city in her heart. She spends her time singing, playing video games, and reading to expand her imagination of what is truly possible to achieve in the world.

The New Leaders Council has been affiliated with the Center for American Progress, a far-Left think tank with connections to George Soros. The current president and CEO is Patrick Gaspard, who previously served as president at George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

Spencer moved from Memphis to Nashville to attend Vanderbilt University. Spencer’s same bio is also found on Stand Up Nashville’s website. Their website contains far-Left talking points.

Nashville has become a city that continues to prioritize corporations over people and perpetuates economic and social inequity borne from entrenched systemic racism

Our city has experienced rapid growth over the years but not all people have benefited. This kind of growth creates racial and economic inequities that negatively impact Nashville’s working-class communities.

Issues we face:

Systemic racism

Corporations driving policy

Political disenfranchisement


Lack of accountability

State interference in local solutions

Spencer served as the Grand Marshal of the 2021 Nashville Pride Parade. Spencer is also a member of the Black Nashville Assembly.

As previously reported, Spencer and Milliner beat out former Community Oversight Board Vice Chair, Jamel R. Campbell-Gooch, for the two vacancies.

There are 11 members of the Community Oversight Board and their responsibilities are:

The Board shall have the power to investigate allegations that Metro Nashville Police Department officers have committed misconduct against members of the public, as well as issue policy advisory and resolution reports assessing allegations of misconduct by the Metro Nashville Police Department, recommendations to agencies involved in public safety and the administration of justice, and have the option of establishing a monitoring program that provides an ongoing review or audit of the complaint process administered by the Police Department Office of Professional Accountability or equivalent internal affairs program in the Police Department.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Maxine Spencer” by New Leaders Council. Background Photo “Metro Nashville Council” by Metro Nashville Network.


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13 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Council Appoints Progressive Trans-Activist to Community Oversight Board”

  1. John

    For the record, this isn’t a woman, it is a m-a-n!

  2. Mark Knofler

    Wait till these mental midgets are given access to the license plate readers. #VotetheBumsOut!

  3. Ms Independent

    Nashville is no longer Nashville…

  4. Randall Davidson

    Thank John Cooper for this stupid oversight board

  5. lb

    This is unreal. Just when I think Nashville cant do anything more to become Seattle–they do

  6. 83ragtop50

    I am extremely upset. As a self-identifying yellow school bus I demand equal representation on this queer group.

  7. Dr Ken

    …and his/her/its qualifications are? So much for meritocracy. Someday, and that day is fast encroaching, normalcy will return. The crazy woke ideology is dividing the people.

  8. Steve Allen

    Well, that’s nice….but can they compose a sentence?

  9. LM

    Please give me an example of an “over-policed neighborhood”.

  10. whoknows

    It appears Nashville Metro Council is following in the footsteps of the biden administration……find the most bizarre person to fill important political positions. Great, just bloody great.

    1. Steve Allen

      For democrats it’s find the most outlandish person possible and appoint them to position of importance. What is of little importance is whether they are actually capable of performing the job. Look at our Vice President, what an incompetent ninny.

  11. rick

    Evidently diversity does not apply to COB and of course its ok there as the pandering here is politically correct per the democrats toward their voter base, minorities. The metro cancel is dominated by LBGTQ people, Democratic Socialist and then there is Cooper, should we expect anymore. Nashville deserve the title of S – – T Hole of The South.

  12. SadButTrue

    This oversight board is just a collection of liberal freaks who are all anti police with defunding in mind.
